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Tag: travel

A Poet Reads: How Heavy the Breath of God by Sheryl St. Germain

The tropical stays with you, long after you’ve left the tropics

This book, How Heavy the Breath of God, is one I return to again and again for its sense of being simultaneously away while also coming home to oneself.  The poems are arranged in a travel sequence, starting in tropical locations such as Ecuador and Guatemala and ending up back in the southern U.S., in Texas. While not necessarily literal, the arrangement does feel logical. There’s an outward to inward arc to the work as a whole.

Ou-Yang Hsiu’s Love & Time, Part 2 of 2: “Far Off Mountains”

“Far Off Mountains” makes both moment and memory

Sometimes what a poem does is remind us of a mood or moment. It conjures up our own memories even if we do not have enough information to understand the poet’s specific memory. The Ou-Yang Hsiu poem, “Far Off Mountains”  from Love & Time, translated by J. P. Seaton, works this way.

Walking Home: A Poet’s Journey by Simon Armitage

  Simon Armitage is the recently-elected Oxford Professor of Poetry with a long list of poetry publications to his name.  But that’s not all.  He’s also a memoirist, novelist, screen writer, and playwright.  Walking Home is the chronicle of his three…