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2020 Poems

Here are links to poems posted on this blog in 2020.

I would say that these are the poems of the week…but, 2020 being what it has been, my publication schedule has been erratic. Earlier in 2020, not so regular. But when I have time, a post every day. I apologize for the irregularity. I’m working under the premise that eventually, even unannounced, beats never.

Looking for 2019 or 2018 poems? Here are links to those poem lists: 2019 Poems 2018 Poems

January-June, 2020

July-December, 2020

Wondering about the photo at the top of this page? It’s from a series of photos taken last summer in South Dakota, in Badlands National Park. The sediments of the Badlands seem to prove that gradients of beige, brown, and gray can be split infinitely.