2 Poems
Read Free! Published in the January 2017 issue, #21, of Shot Glass Journal are two poems: Journal and If Anyone Can : Say Anything

Poem: Wolf
Read Free! Published in Issue 56, January 2017, of the Linden Avenue Literary Journal, my poem Wolf

Poem: After My Brain Was Yoked
Read Free! Published on wattpad and here on my blog, the poem "After My Brain Was Yoked"
Poem: Wormhole
Read Free! My poem, Wormhole, published in Apex Magazine Issue 92, January 2017

Poem: Sisyphus Ponders Escape
Read Free! Published September 25, 2016 at Fickle Muses, a journal of mythic poetry and fiction, the poem "Sisyphus Ponders Escape"

Poem: Deciding Not To
Read Free! In Issue 8 of Sediments Literary-Art Journal, my poem "Deciding Not To"

Poem: Flight Arrival
Read & Listen to Me Read -- Both Free! Published in the Winter 2016 issue of Olentangy Review, my poem Flight Arrival.
Plug & I
Yes, Virginia, there are aliens, of many kinds. And they're not all that interested in destroying Old Earth. They're more interested in what humankind can do for them.
Alien technology enabled humans to reach worlds beyond their expectations. Those adventurous enough to live among the stars gave up rights for them, or their families, to return to Old Earth and are known as Offworlders.
Out in Strikken-controlled space, a human who calls himself Plug joins the short-term crew of a mining ship owned by Deep Sky Company. The hauler DSC18 is piloted by a slow-rider, a species naturally able to connect into the machine and operate the ship via thought. This slow-rider has led hundreds of humans over his years at the helm. But what's a pilot do when the genetically modified Plug wants to change things up?
Plug & I is the first short story (6500 words, or 20-25 pages) in the Offworlder Series, available in ebook on Amazon.
Stars Crawl Out From Their Caves
Cutting oil. Smeared hand rails. A pair of old
work gloves thrown onto a chair. He thought
he ought to be happy. Never going back.
--from The Film Makers Called It 'Art'
The patron saint of never-more,
or just the first to settle this soggy loam?
-- from Road to St. Rose
Pale, elegant, semi-transparent:
how I thought our life would look in retrospect.
-- from Retrospect
Stars Crawl Out From Their Caves is available in print and ebook at Amazon. You can hear me read several of the poems from this book here on the audio page of this site