This week’s poem, Primer, is a short, lyric walk down memory lane. It previously appeared on Wattpad and now appears on the blog here for the first time. It’s the type of poem that says one thing and also implies some others, maybe easily glossed over on first glance, but there nonetheless.
I remember I knew the names of all
the butterflies in Weldon’s Butterfly Encyclopedia
but now I don’t know any.
I remember Lauren who walked me to school
when I was in kindergarten, and also
walked me home down the Seven Hills.
I was so proud to walk with Lauren,
who was grown up because it was the sixties,
and she was modern, and twelve,
and more grown up than I was at twelve,
or perhaps am even now. Anyway,
the butterflies were mostly moths,
and Weldon’s was a cheap magazine,
and our school library couldn’t stock any better.

If you enjoyed Primer
You can read more of my work on this blog or in the collection Stars Crawl Out From Their Caves, which is available in both ebook and print. Missed a poem of the week? Links to prior weeks are on this page.
Photo credits: Moth on a stem photo by Timo Vijn on Unsplash. Butterflies flying out of book by Alexas_Fotos via Pixabay, CC0.
Have a great week, and look for another poem next Monday.