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Poetry, Prose, and Other Good Stuff Posts

Ou-Yang Hsiu’s poems, “Love & Time” translated by J. P. Seaton, Part 1 of 2

Selections of Ou-Yang Hsiu’s poetry appear in the collection “Love & Time, The Poems of Ou-Yang Hsiu,” translated by J. P. Seaton, 1989, Copper Canyon Press.

Love & Time, The Poems of Ou-Yang Hsiu, tr. J.P. Seaton, 1989, Copper Canyon Press
Love & Time, The Poems of Ou-Yang Hsiu, tr. J.P. Seaton, 1989, Copper Canyon Press

This post is part 1 of 2.  Part 1 will cover form and background. Part 2 will cover content, and look closely at one translated poem.

Background: Ou-Yang Hsiu

Ou-Yang Hsiu lived from 1007-1072 in Sung Dynasty China. Raised in poverty and primarily self-educated, he became both a scholar and a government administrator. He was known for his strong code of ethics.

Ou-Yang Hsiu didn’t follow the approved pattern of highly formal poems on limited, conventional subject matter, full of obscure allusions.

Which sounds like about what the non-poetry reader thinks of poetry today. Hard to understand, needing someone to decode it for the reader. Something only for the in-crowd. You can’t really blame people. Schools tend to reinforce this approach. A student deciphers a poem to figure out ‘what it really means’ instead of understanding it, at least on one level, without overly-educated interpretation.

Wolf in Linden Ave Literary Journal

My poem, “Wolf,” appears in this month’s Linden Avenue Literary Journal — the January 2017 issue, no. 56.

You can read my poem here, as well as poetry and prose by Rosie DeSantis, Edinson Shane Tolley, Stephen Wack, and Diane Bonavist.

I really like the selections Linden Avenue Literary Journal makes — reading through the back issues is a treat, if you have some time to browse.

Wolf and Pup
258817 / Pixabay

Wolves are hard to study, but via radio collar and other methods researchers are making progress.  You can read about the study of wolves in Alaska’s Denali National Park here in a National Park Service report. The report shows some great photos of Denali’s wolves.

John Berryman’s 77 Dream Songs, Part 3 of 3: Link Roundup

John Berryman’s 77 Dream Songs, Part 3 of 3: Link Roundup

Here’s the third and final post in this series regarding Berryman’s 77 Dream Songs. You can find Part 1 (Craft) and Part 2 (Content Connections) in earlier posts.

Lots of links for further reading and listening, but I warn you that the topics of depression, alcoholism and suicide will come up. Again.

But first, my rant.

John Berryman’s 77 Dream Songs, Part 2 of 3: Content Connections

John Berryman’s 77 Dream Songs, Part 2 of 3: Content Connections

This is Part 2 of a 3 part series on Berryman’s Dream Songs. You can find Part 1 in an earlier post.

I was re-reading John Berryman’s 77 Dream Songs and finished my re-read on the 45th anniversary of Berryman’s death. That is a creepy coincidence which I didn’t see coming.