Poetry + fiction + photos + other thoughts
Two Fady Joudah Interviews to Read This is just a quick post to drop a few interesting links out to readers. I’ve been away from blogging due to busy-ness with family activities, but I didn’t want to lose track of…
Today and this weekend!! My poetry volume, Stars Crawl Out From Their Caves is free on Amazon, April 7-9. This is your chance to download the free poetry ebook. Free? What am I thinking, you may ask? I’m thinking it’s National…
Two Poems Published in Woven Tale Press I can’t think of a better way to kick off National Poetry Month than having two of my poems published in the lovely journal, The Woven Tale Press, Vol. 5 #3, which just…
Publishing poetry is like a bill becoming a law? Maybe. Remember that Schoolhouse Rock song about the bill who becomes a law? (If you don’t recall it, or were never exposed to it, you can watch the video at the link.…