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New Book In Progress: Sisyphus

My next book of poems is titled Sisyphus  and I am drafting it on wattpad.  Hurray!  Or insanity!

I can’t decide which descriptor is more applicable — drafting ,in public, a book that includes poems already completed as well as new ones that are needed to fill in the gaps is exciting and frightening at the same time.

For those who aren’t familiar with Wattpad, it is a free platform for readers and writers.  It was designed, originally, for prose writers to post free work, which is why every time I post a poem it looks like a new ‘chapter’.  Readers can follow a writer, can comment on a work within a work, vote for chapters they like.  I have seen some really great work posted, and some I didn’t care too much for.  The quality is wildly varying and the quantity is immense.  I’m still playing around with how to find content I enjoy reading and learning my way around the platform.

Sisyphus consists of seven poems published on Wattpad so far, and I have a few in Wattpad’s draft status which readers won’t see until I push the publish button.  I anticipate posting 1-3 poems a week, maybe a few more than that some weeks, but I don’t want to over-promise and then disappoint.

When I post each new poem, I send out a tweet.   Wattpad makes it easy to do that right from the app.  If you want to follow me on twitter, I’m @minervatma.

I’d love it if you hopped over to Wattpad and took a look at Sisyphus.  If you are not on wattpad, it takes only a few minutes to set up a free account.   You might find a lot of interesting books you’d like to read.  Here is the link:




Published inMy Poems