A Dog Always Knows What’s What…
…and who he can count on. Who is likely to forget he is there, or can only be counted on for some things. A dog, unlike the rest of us, doesn’t go around fooling himself. He doesn’t think, oh I have time to squeeze in one more thing. Or hey, maybe, if I don’t think about that problem, it will go away on its own.
No, a dog recognizes reality and navigates it without much in the way of fussing.
Except when he senses a ham coming out of the oven or the proximity of some cheese bits that just might drop his way. Then he may fuss or look hopeful or perform his newest trick.
Or, when he thinks he can get away with sleeping on the couch, he goes ahead and does so. Then gives that “What? Me? Since when am I not suppose to be here?” look when he gets scooted back to the floor.
Okay…so maybe dogs live a little bit in a fantasy world, after all. But still, dogs know where their bottom line comes from. Even puppies. That’s our dog, in the pic above, but a couple of years ago. You can see the smart puppy in him.
A Dog Knows
Daddy, unlike the children,
is not fooled. That’s why you go to him
when you need to go out,
and now. He knows your little grunt-whine
whether it’s the real thing or just
evidence of your boredom.
Those kids, they’re good for jogs
through the neighborhood, endless
hours of fetch and slobber,
they don’t & won’t mind
being jumped upon or chewed,
just a little. But perceptive?
That, they’re still working on.
Though, perhaps, perception
isn’t the problem so much as
a reckless affinity for fantasy.
What might be, may be, could be true.
Perhaps you needn’t go O. U. T.
at all. Perhaps they need not face
anything if they tell themselves
there’s an easier way.
But Daddy knows better,
knows the realities of life’s
little indignities.
So do you. And you and he
know how to handle them.
If you enjoyed A Dog Knows
You’ll find more of my poems on this blog or in the collection Stars Crawl Out From Their Caves, which is available in both ebook and print. Missed a poem of the week? Links to prior weeks are on this page.
Are you ready for the holidays? I have to say, in some ways we are more ready than usual, and in some ways, far less so.
As always, comments & opinions can be posted, below this more up-to-date pic of our dog.
Have a great week!